eBPF 101
Yuma Theatre | Fri 14 Jan 2 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Presented by
Muhammad Falak R Wani
Falak is a software engineer interested in how the eBPF subsystem can be leveraged in novel ways to enable new use-cases.

Muhammad Falak R Wani
eBPF is the in-kernel virtual machine which lets us use the kernel and leverage a very safe & efficient programming model where we can extract telemetry data from arbitrary* points in the kernel as well as supplement certain throughput critical parts in a programmable way. This model is much safer than writing a custom kernel-module which has high maintenance & can cause kernel-panics/crashes, eBPF does not suffer from these issues as, it has an in-kernel verifier which allows a very restricted set of functionalities. Although, eBPF was earlier targeted at only the network data path, it now has evolved into a framework which can be used in almost everywhere in the kernel. Novel usages include writing TCP congestion control algorithms entirely in user-space and load them to the kernel without having to go through a full kernel release cycle. Apart from the network stack, there are various ad-hoc telemetry data that we can extract from the kernel which can aid in tackling performance problems without modifying the kernel. The advantage of eBPF is its dynamic nature, where we only have the overhead whenever we are running a specific ad-hoc eBPF telemetry program.
This talk is an introduction to the eBPF subsystem from a perspective of a non-kernel programmer. The talk will explore ideas similar to eBPF like the integration of lua with nginix, web-asm etc. The talk will touch on the end-to-end life cycle of an eBPF program, how we write a program in the user-space, then compile it to the eBPF VM bytecode and how we load the program in the kernel. Once the program is loaded, it still cannot run, unless we attach it to any hook/event in the kernel. These events could be a tracepoint/kprobe or a perf-event. This talk also will touch upon the various types of eBPF programs that are possible e.g xdp, monitoring. For completion an introduction to eBPF maps (storage) which allow us to make state-full decisions for the otherwise stateless eBPF programs.
eBPF is the in-kernel virtual machine which lets us use the kernel and leverage a very safe & efficient programming model where we can extract telemetry data from arbitrary* points in the kernel as well as supplement certain throughput critical parts in a programmable way. This model is much safer than writing a custom kernel-module which has high maintenance & can cause kernel-panics/crashes, eBPF does not suffer from these issues as, it has an in-kernel verifier which allows a very restricted set of functionalities. Although, eBPF was earlier targeted at only the network data path, it now has evolved into a framework which can be used in almost everywhere in the kernel. Novel usages include writing TCP congestion control algorithms entirely in user-space and load them to the kernel without having to go through a full kernel release cycle. Apart from the network stack, there are various ad-hoc telemetry data that we can extract from the kernel which can aid in tackling performance problems without modifying the kernel. The advantage of eBPF is its dynamic nature, where we only have the overhead whenever we are running a specific ad-hoc eBPF telemetry program. This talk is an introduction to the eBPF subsystem from a perspective of a non-kernel programmer. The talk will explore ideas similar to eBPF like the integration of lua with nginix, web-asm etc. The talk will touch on the end-to-end life cycle of an eBPF program, how we write a program in the user-space, then compile it to the eBPF VM bytecode and how we load the program in the kernel. Once the program is loaded, it still cannot run, unless we attach it to any hook/event in the kernel. These events could be a tracepoint/kprobe or a perf-event. This talk also will touch upon the various types of eBPF programs that are possible e.g xdp, monitoring. For completion an introduction to eBPF maps (storage) which allow us to make state-full decisions for the otherwise stateless eBPF programs.